
Weather Key Weather Name
1_heavy_fog Heavy Fog
2_light_fog Light Fog
3_clear Clear
4_mid_clear Mid Clear
5_light_clouds Light Clouds
6_mid_clouds Mid Clouds
7_heavy_clouds Heavy Clouds
sol_01_CLear Clear (Sol)
sol_02_Few Clouds Few Clouds (Sol)
sol_03_Scattered Clouds Scattered Clouds (Sol)
sol_05_Broken Clouds Broken Clouds (Sol)
sol_06_Overcast Overcast (Sol)

These Presets can be selected in race forms, and allow you to set specific combinations of rain settings for a weather slot. The default presets are intended for CSP v0.1.80-preview108 (2253) or newer, and may need modifying for older versions.

From CSP v0.1.80-preview108 (2253) the "Track Wetness" is a ratio of Intensity (so if Intensity is 0.5 and Track Wetness is 0.5, the resulting Track Wetness will be 0.25), in earlier versions it is a direct percentage.

Rain Preset
Rain Preset